What Does a Content Writer Do?


Content Writers (AKA content marketing writers) write online content that promotes brand awareness. Types of content writing include press releases, blog posts with a focus on SEO, social media captions, Ebooks, newsletters, and more. These content types can help businesses get the word out about their products or services and communicate to people what their brand is all about. 

Some people may confuse content writers with copywriters. In my book, these terms can be interchangeable. You can be a copywriter and content writer and don't always have to specify which one you are. For example, people know me as someone who writes blog posts and website copy, but I never have to specify that website copy is considered copywriting and blog posts are considered content writing. 

But, if you want to get technical about the difference between these two professions...

Content writing is meant to educate and entertain readers. Copywriting is more about sales and persuasion. Content writing can drive sales, but it's not the main goal! For example, I wrote a blog post for a jewelry company about how to clean gold jewelry. In the post, I mentioned the jewelry company and how they sell gold jewelry. The article is meant to educate readers, but it can also include internal shoppable links and inspire readers to look at your products and services. 

Search engine optimization (SEO) keyword research can also play a big role in driving readers from Google to your blog post. From there, readers may want to browse around your site or click on hyperlinks leading them to other pages meant to sell them on something. Great content connects brands to their target audience through the power of content marketing. 

Below, learn about different types of content that someone in a content writer job can write about.

1: White Papers

White papers are long-form content that explains to other businesses or customers what your product/service is all about. In B2B (business-to-business) marketing, businesses can send other businesses a white paper to persuade them to buy their product or service.

For example, a technology business can produce a white paper that talks about how another business can benefit from using its product. This guide builds trust with your potential customers and can lead to sales. You'll typically see data and infographics in white papers that visually display research and product functions. 

2: Social Media Copy

Writing social media copy that speaks to a target audience and addresses their pain points can build brand awareness and increase sales. Your followers will come to understand your voice and offerings through your high-quality social media captions and social media posts that include text on graphic templates. Social media copy should display a hook sentence, value, and a CTA. 

For example, if I'm writing about a client's new program, I'd write a one-line question or statement to grab the reader's attention. "Are you struggling to build your business?" Then comes the value. I'd talk about the new program and how it can help people grow their businesses. Lastly, the CTA will explain how they can sign up. "Sign up at the link in my bio!"

3: Press Releases

If your brand comes out with a new product, you might want to send out a press release with all of the details to various publications that can feature your product or event in a story. The press release should include the date of when the product came out or is coming out, why people would be interested in said product or event, and a lede (the who, what, where, when, and why). Aside from a product or event, a press release can even be about a podcast that's coming out or a celebrity who wore a specific jacket, and so on. 

​4: Style Guides

Content marketing writers can work hand-in-hand with a graphic designer to create a style guide for a brand. The freelance writer's responsibility would be to write quality content explaining the brand's tone of voice and writing style. 

5: SEO Blog Posts 

Writing content or hiring a good content writer is one thing, but finding someone who knows about SEO writing is crucial. Sure, proofreading and content management is important too, but SEO content can turn an average piece of content into Google's BFF. 

SEO can help your blog posts rank on Google search results and increase your DA (domain authority) with high-quality backlinks from authority sites.

6: Podcasts

Content marketing writers can write audio scripts and show notes for podcast hosts and their guests.

7: Email Marketing 

Newsletters are hot right now for good reason! Getting into people's mailboxes with information about your business can drive sales and spread brand awareness. Content writers can write high-quality emails that persuade readers to take an action. Depending on your subject matter, email marketing freelance writers either offer value-focused content or sales/offers. 

For example, value-focused content might just include tips and tricks while sales/offers might include details about a new course you're launching. Before you make a request, you should build trust and give readers value first. Help them get to know your company and its awesomeness before going in for the sale. 

Emails seem simple but there's a marketing strategy and psychology to them that keeps readers engaged and impressed. Someone who has excellent writing skills and a marketing mind will know how to keep your readers on their toes.


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