Fighting and Fleeing

Some reflections: I wrote this in June 2021. Thankfully, I’m in a better place now. But these thoughts will probably come up again. They always do. I just need to remember that they always go away, too.


My husband and I got into a fight the other night. I don’t even remember what it was about, so it must have been inconsequential. We were airing out some frustrations; it’d been a long week. We both went to bed and murmured a silent “goodnight.” 

Whenever we get into arguments, we’re always quick to hug and make up. We end up laughing about it. Sometimes I’m the first to let out a chuckle, and other times he beats me to it with a smirk spread across his face. “What were we fighting about again?” we’d say with furrowed brows. But that night we went to sleep angry. And that’s OK. 

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