My Pregnancy Fears Are Not What I Thought They'd Be

My husband and I have been married for a little over a year. These days, I find myself prefacing many conversations with: “I’m not pregnant.” 

For instance, when I say I’m craving pickles or when I mention that I’m nauseous or when I have exciting news to share, I always make sure to mention that I’m not carrying a child.

If I was pregnant, I think it would be pretty obvious. I’m terrible at keeping secrets. I giggle when I have to lie. And I’m inextricably a compulsive oversharer (which is partially why I started this newsletter).  

From very early on in our relationship, I knew my husband would make a great father one day. It’s one of the many reasons why I married him. He’s great with children, has patience with them, and knows how to talk on their level. He’s a family man in every sense of the word.

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