Every Company Should Hire a Writer — Here’s Why


Whether you’re a car service center or Google, every company needs a writer to market their business. As a marketer and writer, I spread the word about brands through the written word. I write newsletters, press releases, website copy, and more that specifically reflect the brand I’m working with. Who better to market your brand through these channels than a writer who can precisely convey your message and persuade customers to buy your product or service? 

Take a beat and look around you — the world is filled with words! The email you just sent. The pitch deck you’re planning on sending to a potential investor. The social media caption you skimmed before reading this article. The furniture website you just perused in search of a new couch. Does the couch sound appealing? What does the product description say? All these factors can persuade a potential customer to click, buy, or follow. . Let’s break it down even more, shall we?

1: Hiring a Writer For Blog Posts:

The 2010s called and they don’t want their blogs back, because blogs are here to stay! Contrary to what you might think, blogs are NOT obsolete. They’re quite the opposite, actually. Many established brands use blogs to drive traffic to their website through SEO keywords. For example, if a clothing brand wants customers to buy apparel listed on their website, they may set up an Instagram account or mailing list to convince people to buy their products. Setting up a blog with posts detailing brand updates, styling tips, and more is no different. Besides increasing brand awareness, community, and interest in your brand, blogs contain searchable keywords that potential clients can discover on Google. Overall, people can find your products through your blog. 

2: Hiring a Writer For Press Releases:

Are you releasing a new product or service? This is where I come in. I work with PR agencies and brands to write a press release that’s in tip-top shape for distribution. As an editor, I get PR emails all the time trying to sell me a product to write about. Nine times out of ten, I don’t open those emails. After seeing thousands of those emails, I know what makes a press release worthy of being read and taken into consideration.

3: Hiring a Writer For Social Media:

Believe it or not, Instagram is not all about pretty pictures that show up on your feed (although, it’s definitely part of the equation). Social media is also about building community through engaging captions and text-based graphics that allow followers to connect with you and form an opinion about your brand. Plus, hiring someone who can create appealing content, manage your social media platforms, AND write killer captions (shamelessly plugging myself here!), is the ultimate trifecta. Think of your social media presence as your portfolio — leave a lasting impression with followers who have the potential to become customers.


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