Things I Wish I Said

I’ve been meaning to read New York Times best-selling author of Lean In and COO of Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg’s new book, Option B, for quite some time. Now that I’m living the *funemployed* life (hire me! I’m so much fun to work with I’ll bring snax) I dedicated myself to reading one book a week. The book gods must have been on my side a couple weeks ago because I was in a Park Slope book store and saw her book glaring at me front and center. I decided to buy it instead of priming it from Amazon on the cheap because support small bookstores you know? So I get the book and devour it in a week and there’s this one line that really resonated with me that became the impetus for this poem. “We most often regret the things we didn’t do.” I’m a big believer in not regretting anything I’ve done. (No Ragrets? Like not even a single letter?) But there are a bunch of things I regret not doing, and most of all not saying to people before it was too late. Here’s a compilation of phrases in poetry form I wish I’d said to people but never did, in no particular order. Then maybe write yourself a Things I Wish I Said Poem, it just might be the cathartic release you were looking for. 

*Decided to add to this whenever I think of something else*  

Things I Wish I Said:

Led by a string

Guided in darkness

Dangled over a bridge

Left me there for days

To wonder, to wait

To never come back

A coward disguised

In shining armor

Take off your guard

Let yourself be known


Made me feel less than

You were insecure

I know that now


I love you more than anything, too


Fuck you

I deserve better

That's no excuse

Excuse me?

Do you remember

The things you said drunk?

Do you remember

The things you said sober?

I exist

What you did wasn’t okay

I’m sorry

I forgive you

Say you’re sorry

Get off of me

You hurt me

I didn't mean to hurt you

Can we start over?


Grow a pair

Grow a pair

Grow a pair

Grow a pair


How could you say that?

You don’t know me

Do you even know me?

Stop fighting

Let’s laugh it off now

It's not funny

Stop calling me

Why did you never call?

Let’s be friends

Want to grab drinks?

How could you come back

After all this time away

And expect me

To greet you

With open arms

And love you's

And respect

Why am I greeting you

With open arms

And love you's

And respect

Why haven’t I

Ever seen you cry

Until now

When you needed it most




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The Tightrope